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Analysis of Renewable Energy Use in the European Union


  • Oana CHINDRIȘ-VĂSIOIU, PhD, SR III, Affiliation: Institute for World Economy - Romanian Academy, Romania;
  • Mădălina TOCAN, PhD, Associate Professor, SR III, Affiliation: Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania, Institute for World Economy - Romanian Academy, Romania;
Pages:  42 : 47

The transition to a zero-emission society and economy is both an urgent challenge and an opportunity to create new jobs and economic development. The green transition is also a necessary step to reduce the EU's energy dependency. Replacing fossil fuels with cleaner forms of energy will reduce the EU's greenhouse gas emissions. A large proportion of greenhouse gases on the Earth's surface are generated by energy production and the burning of fossil fuels. Energy is therefore a key issue in the climate change concerns, with renewable resources being effective ways of reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Accelerating the transition to clean and sustainable energy is the path to a healthier planet for people today and for future generations.

JEL classification: Q01, Q29



Q01, Q29