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Relationships Among ERP Post-Implementation Success Constructs: An Analysis at the Organizational Level of Forexebug Platform


  • Isabela STANCU (LIȚA), PhD. Student, Affiliation: “Valahia” University of Târgoviște, Romania;
  • Dumitru BEJINARIU, PhD. Student, Affiliation: “Valahia” University of Târgoviște, Romania;
  • Alina Iuliana TĂBÎRCĂ, PhD. Assistant Professor, Affiliation: “Valahia” University of Târgoviște, Romania;
Pages:  60 : 67

Success factors in the implementation of public sector financial reporting systems have been widely researched. However, few have investigated post-implementation ERP success in organizational contexts, an analysis of the FOREXEBUG platform. The lack of research on ERP system success evaluations, a reporting platform, partially motivates this research. In this paper the object of study is the success of the ERP system, which was developed from previous relevant frameworks. This research adds to the body of knowledge in assessing the success of implementing a public sector financial reporting system. Structural equation modeling was used to test several relevant hypotheses. The results showed that the hypotheses have significant, positive associations. Namely, the constructs of system quality, service quality, individual impact, workgroup impact, and organizational impact have a strong relevance in elaborating the success of ERP, a reporting platform. The advantages of the study findings for evaluating the success of a reporting platform, namely FOREXEBUG, and its implications for practice and research are discussed. FOREXEBUG is an online IT platform (computer program) (with Internet access) with the help of which the public institution reports electronically the financial statements related to the patrimonial and budget accounting.

JEL classification: M41, H61, M35



M41, H61, M35