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Guidelines for Authors

HEJ welcomes your contribution in shape of articles, short communications, case studies, book reviews or any other shape that can make valuable contribution for the dynamic business world and finally towards the society. Manuscript should not have been published earlier or submitted for reviewing to other journals, it should be original work of researcher and free from plagiarism, endorsed by all the authors and by all the organizations involved.

Papers must be sent using the Microsoft Word 2003 format (.doc files). They should be submitted as an attachment to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The file name should include the author's name and surname (eg. surname_name.doc).

Reviewing process
The review process is a double-blind one. The members of the editorial board will make an initial assessment, assigning the reviewers with proper expertise for a thorough analysis. Two members of the international scientific committee will be simultaneously doing the reviewing. Referees are chosen so as their main specialization corresponds to the theme of the submitted article. Referees evaluate articles on the following criteria:

  • Original work;
  • Maximum three co-authors per article;
  • Correct use of the methodology;
  • Research results are clearly presented and support the conclusions;
  • Bibliographic sources indicate previous research that is relevant to the subject matter.

Both the author(s) and the referees remain anonymous in the evaluation process. Referees will not correct or edit the article submitted for evaluation. The final decision of acceptance or rejection of the article is taken by the Editorial Board based on evaluations received from the two referees.

The reviewing process will last for 15-45 days usually. Consequently, the authors will be informed about the status of their submission: accept, accept with minor revision, accept with major revision or reject. As an outcome of this process the authors are invited to continue it in order to be published, either to join the waiting list for publication or to eventually improve their paper and continue the reviewing process. Only articles accepted by the scientific committee will be published.

Copyright transfer after publication
In case the paper submitted for reviewing is accepted for publication in the Romanian Economic Journal, the authors transfer the copyrights to the Romanian Economic Journal that will have henceforth the exclusive right to publish and disseminate the paper.

Text format
The work must meet the following format:
- title of article (TNR, 14, bold, all capitals, single line spacing);
- author name(s) and scientific title (TNR, 12, single line spacing);
- university/institutional affiliation (the institution, phone, e-mail, TNR, 12, single line spacing);
- abstract: should include research objectives, study methodology, main results of the research or display, maximum 250 words (TNR, 12, single line spacing);
- keywords: 3-5 key words that reflect the specific work (TNR, 12, single line spacing);
- JEL codes (TNR, 12, single line spacing);
- recommended sections for the content of the article: introduction, literature review, data and methodology, results, conclusions, bibliography, acknowledgments;
- article size: minimum 6 pages, maximum 15 pages;
- all texts, except title and abstract should be drawn in TNR 12, single line spacing, justified, no indentation;
- all section names, figure and table titles or other titles should be in TNR 12, bold, single line spacing, aligned  to the left margin;
- the figures and tables should be numbered and should mention source (TNR 12, single line spacing, aligned  to the left margin). The content of tables can be in TNR 10 or 8 (in order to fit into the page);
- in the text, references should appear for papers as “(Klein, 1984)” and for books as “(Box & Jenkins, 1970, p.245)”. At the end of the manuscript, the references should be listed alphabetically by surname of the first author.
- references should include relevant sources.Use the following format:

  • articles: Albu L.L. (2008), "Trends in Structural Changes and Convergence in EU", Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol.9, issue 1 pp.91-101
  • books: Drazen A. (2000), "Political Economy in Macroeconomics", NJ: Princeton University Press
  • collective works: Kahneman D. and Tversky A. (1982), "Intuitive prediction: Biases and corrective procedures". In: D. Kahneman et al. (Eds.), Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.414–421
  • web sites: WTO (2008), Data base, http://stat.wto.org/StatisticalProgram/WSDBStatProgramSeries.aspx?Language=E/ Accessed on May 2008

Please don't use diacritics, neigher for author names or for institution affiliation!

Publication fees: free of charge

Handling fees: free of charge

In case the paper submitted for reviewing is accepted for publication, the authors transfer the copyrights to the Hyperion Economic Journal that will have henceforth the exclusive right to publish and disseminate the paper.